Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Supraventricular Arrhythmias

Hey guys click on the title and find out more on arrthmias. I find it confusing when it comes to A flutter and A fib and some of the other supraventricular arrthmias.

Q:What rhythm is most often misinterpreted at SVT that has a 2:1 ratio?

Q:Describe the difference between PACs and PVCs?

Email your response to me!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Beacon Bound- learn more

Hey guys just wanted to give everyone an update on our Beacon journey. We have met 32 of the 42 criteria. Click on the title above and find out more about the Beacon Award and how you can work in an environment the AACN designates as Excellent. Currently we have 8 certified nurses which equals 28% certified, we need 19 nurses to meet the 65 % certified criteria. I know we have two signed up and a few more studying to take the exam. I encourage all of you to start studying for the exam. You will learn so much just studying. If you join the AACN you will get a discounted rate for the exam, once you pass the test you will be reimbursed and receive a raise!!

Please reply and tell me if you have joined a professional organization, when you plan on taking the exam and if you do not plan of taking the exam please tell me why. I understand the test does cost money but remember we are very busy right now and you could work an extra shift to pay for the exam and then you will get a raise and make more money!!!!

I placed a Bold Voices statement in your box to sign, please read , sign and return to me. I have only received about half of the staff's statements, this is a mandatory 100% criteria.

Thanks again for all you do and wanting to show the nation what we do and how well we do it. Remember this is compared to having Magnet status but only in our unit. There are only 6 pediatric Beacon award units in the Nation the first was CHOC, Children's of Orange County. I would love to be in the top ten!!!
See the list of Beacon Award units here

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Click on the above title/link, read the provided information on HIT and answer the following questions.

Q: Which patient population in the PICU is at greatest risk for HIT?
Q: How do you treat HIT?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Ouestion: If your patient has Right hemianopsia, where would you place the objects for them to see?

Winkler County Case: FAQs

Most of you have probably heard of the Winkler County Case, here is some updated information from TNA. This will also give you an idea of what joing an organization can do for you!

Snake Envenomation: Slideshow

This is a great slide show on snake envenomations...something we see in our ICU. This one is just for fun. No answers!

Friday, September 18, 2009

American Association of Critical Care Nurses

Click on the title and visit the AACN website. This is the first step to join your peers on the journey toward excellence. Here you can join the AACN and reep all the benefits of membership including a reduced price on your pediatric CCRN exam. I encourage all of you to join a professional organization such as AACN or ANA or TNA.

I challenge you to look into the different organizations and review their benefits and join the one that suits you best. If you can not afford to join now please send me which organization you would like to choose and why. If you are already a member, let me know which organization and what you enjoy about it.

This will count as a response and towards the next quater.....don't let Gail take all the points! LOL